This is the list for currently supported Atari XL/XE games. You shouldn’t need any configuration to run these games, you only need the game media (atr/xex) and use the name in the code column.
This is an example of valid games
retrox/atari/bcquest.xex retrox/atari/bluemax2001.atr retrox/atari/bmxsimulator.xex
Note the use of the names bcquest and bluemax2001, according to the table those codes will help RetroX detect which games are, and it will use the configuration that was already tested for RetroX.
Game | Code |
A.E. | ae |
Activision Decathlon, The | activisiondecathlonthe |
Amaurote | amaurote |
Animal Party | animalparty |
Arkanoid II: Revenge of DOH | arkanoid2 |
Asteroids | asteroids |
Astro Chase | astrochase |
Ballblazer | ballblazer |
Barroom Baseball | barroombaseball |
Battlezone | battlezone |
BC’s Quest for Tires | bcquest |
Beamrider | beamrider |
BerZerk | berzerk |
Black Belt | blackbelt |
Black Lamp | blacklamp |
Blaster | blaster |
Blinky Scary School | blinky |
Blue Max | bluemax |
Blue Max 2001 | bluemax2001 |
Blue Print | blueprint |
BMX Simulator | bmxsimulator |
Bomb Jack | bjack |
Boogie | boogie |
Boulder Dash | boulderdash |
Boulder Dash II | boulderdash2 |
Bounty Bob Strikes Back! | bountybobstrikesback |
Bruce Lee | brucelee |
Buck Rogers – Planet of Zoom | buckrogersplanetofzoom |
Callisto | callisto |
Carol Shaw’s River Raid | carolshawsriverraid |
Castle Blast | castleblast |
Castle Crisis | castlecrisis |
Centipede | centipede |
Chop Suey | chopsuey |
Choplifter | choplifter |
Climber 5 | climber5 |
Commando+ | commando |
Congo Bongo | congobongo |
Countermeasure | countermeasure |
Crownland | crownland |
David Crane’s Pitfall II – Lost Caverns | davidcranespitfalliilostcaverns |
Decathlon | decathlon |
Defender | defender |
Desmond’s Dungeon | ddungeon |
Dig Dug | digdug |
Dimo’s Quest in ABBUC Land | dimos |
Donkey Kong | donkeykong |
Donkey Kong Junior | donkeykongjr |
Draconus | draconus |
Dreadnaught Factor, The | dreadnaughtfactorthe |
Final Legacy | finallegacy |
Fort Apocalypse | fortapocalypse |
Frisky Tom | friskytom |
Frogger | frogger |
Frogger II | frogger2 |
Frogger II – Threeedeep! | froggeriithreeedeep |
Galaxian | galaxian |
Ghost Chaser | ghostchaser |
Gorf | gorf |
Great American Race | greatamericanrace |
Green Beret | greenberet |
Gremlins | gremlins |
Gyruss | gyruss |
HAR’em | harem |
Hardball | hardball |
Henry’s House | henryshouse |
HERO | hero |
Ion Roadway | ionroadway |
James Bond 007 | jamesbond007 |
Joe Blade | joeblade |
Joust | joust |
Jr Pacman | jrpacman |
Jumpman | jumpman |
Jumpman Junior | jumpmanjr |
Jungle Hunt | junglehunt |
K-Razy Shoot-Out | krazyshootout |
Kaboom | kaboom |
Kangaroo | kangaroo |
Karateka | karateka |
Keystone Kapers | keystonekapers |
Kik Start | kikstart |
Koffi – Yellow Kopter | koffiyellowkopter |
Koronis Rift | koronisrift |
Laser Gates | lasergates |
Last Starfighter, The | laststarfighterthe |
Lode Runner | loderunner |
Looney Tunes Hotel | looneytuneshotel |
Mario Bros. | mariobros |
Master of the Lamps | masteroflamps |
Meebzork | meebzork |
Megamania | megamania |
Meteorites | meteorites |
Microgammon SB | microgammonsb |
Millipede | millipede |
Miner 2049er | miner2049 |
Miner 2049er Starring Bounty Bob | miner2049erstarringbountybob |
Miniature Golf | miniaturegolf |
Mirax Force | miraxforce |
Missile Command | missilecommand |
Montezuma – Preliminary Monty | montezuma |
Montezuma’s Revenge | montezumar |
Montezuma’s Revenge featuring Panama Joe | montezumasrevengefeaturingpanamajoe |
Moon Patrol | moonpatrol |
Mountain Bike Racer | mountainbike |
Mountain King | mountainking |
Mouse Trap | mousetrap |
Mr. Do! | mrdo |
Mr. Do!’s Castle | mrdoscastle |
Mr. Robot and His Robot Factory | mrrobot |
Mr. TNT | mrtnt |
Ms. Pac-man | mspacman |
Ninja | ninja |
Ninja Commando | ninjacommando |
On-Track | ontrack |
Pac Man | pacman |
Panther | panther |
Pengo | pengo |
Pitfall II: Lost Caverns | pitfall2 |
Pitfall! | pitfall |
Pitstop | pitstop |
Pitstop II | pitstop2 |
Plastron | plastron |
Pole Position | poleposition |
Popeye | popeye |
Q-bert | qbert |
QIX | qix |
Quest for Quintana Roo | questforquintanaroo |
Rally Speedway | rallyspeedway |
RealSports Baseball | realsportsbaseball |
RealSports Basketball | realsportsbasketball |
RealSports Football | realsportsfootball |
RealSports Soccer | realsportssoccer |
RealSports Tennis | rstennis |
Rescue on Fractalus | rescueonfractalus |
RGB | rgb |
Ridiculous Reality | ridicu |
River Raid | riverraid |
Road Runner | roadrunner |
Robotron 2084 | robotron2084 |
Satan’s Hollow | satanshollow |
Satellite | satellite |
Shamus | shamus |
Shamus: Case II | shamuscase2 |
Space Dungeon | spacedungeon |
Space Harrier | sharrier |
Space Invaders | spaceinvaders |
Space Lobsters | spacelobsters |
Space Shuttle – A Journey Into Space | spaceshuttleajourneyintospace |
Spelunker | spelunker |
Spider | spider |
Spitfire | spitfire |
Sport Goofy | sportgoofy |
Spy Hunter | spyhunter |
Spy vs Spy | spyvsspy |
Spy vs Spy II: The Island Caper | spyvsspyisland |
Spy vs Spy III: Arctic Antics | spyvsspyarctic |
Star Raiders | starraiders |
Star Raiders II | starraiders2 |
Star Trek – Strategic Operations Simulator | startrekstrategicoperationssimulator |
Star Wars – Return of the Jedi – Death Star Battle | starwarsreturnofthejedideathstarbattle |
Star Wars – The Arcade Game | starwarsthearcadegame |
Stargate | stargate |
Super Breakout | superbreakout |
Super Cobra | supercobra |
Super Pacman | superpacman |
Super Zaxxon | superzaxxon |
Swat | swat |
Tapper | tapper |
Tempest | tempest |
The Eidolon | eidolon |
Track & Field | trackandfield |
Treasure Island Dizzy | dizzy |
Vanguard | vanguard |
Wizard of Wor | wizardofwor |
World Championship Karate | worldkarate |
X:8 | x8 |
Xari Arena | xariarena |
Xevious | xevious |
Yellow Submarine | yellowsubmarine |
Yoomp! | yoomp |
Zaxxon | zaxxon |
Zenji | zenji |
Zone Ranger | zoneranger |
Zorro | zorro |
Zybex | zybex |