This is the list for currently supported Atari XL/XE games. You shouldn’t need any configuration to run these games, you only need the game media (atr/xex) and use the name in the code column.

This is an example of valid games


Note the use of the names bcquest and bluemax2001, according to the table those codes will help RetroX detect which games are, and it will use the configuration that was already tested for RetroX.


Game Code
A.E. ae
Activision Decathlon, The activisiondecathlonthe
Amaurote amaurote
Animal Party animalparty
Arkanoid II: Revenge of DOH arkanoid2
Asteroids asteroids
Astro Chase astrochase
Ballblazer ballblazer
Barroom Baseball barroombaseball
Battlezone battlezone
BC’s Quest for Tires bcquest
Beamrider beamrider
BerZerk berzerk
Black Belt blackbelt
Black Lamp blacklamp
Blaster blaster
Blinky Scary School blinky
Blue Max bluemax
Blue Max 2001 bluemax2001
Blue Print blueprint
BMX Simulator bmxsimulator
Bomb Jack bjack
Boogie boogie
Boulder Dash boulderdash
Boulder Dash II boulderdash2
Bounty Bob Strikes Back! bountybobstrikesback
Bruce Lee brucelee
Buck Rogers – Planet of Zoom buckrogersplanetofzoom
Callisto callisto
Carol Shaw’s River Raid carolshawsriverraid
Castle Blast castleblast
Castle Crisis castlecrisis
Centipede centipede
Chop Suey chopsuey
Choplifter choplifter
Climber 5 climber5
Commando+ commando
Congo Bongo congobongo
Countermeasure countermeasure
Crownland crownland
David Crane’s Pitfall II – Lost Caverns davidcranespitfalliilostcaverns
Decathlon decathlon
Defender defender
Desmond’s Dungeon ddungeon
Dig Dug digdug
Dimo’s Quest in ABBUC Land dimos
Donkey Kong donkeykong
Donkey Kong Junior donkeykongjr
Draconus draconus
Dreadnaught Factor, The dreadnaughtfactorthe
Final Legacy finallegacy
Fort Apocalypse fortapocalypse
Frisky Tom friskytom
Frogger frogger
Frogger II frogger2
Frogger II – Threeedeep! froggeriithreeedeep
Galaxian galaxian
Ghost Chaser ghostchaser
Gorf gorf
Great American Race greatamericanrace
Green Beret greenberet
Gremlins gremlins
Gyruss gyruss
HAR’em harem
Hardball hardball
Henry’s House henryshouse
HERO hero
Ion Roadway ionroadway
James Bond 007 jamesbond007
Joe Blade joeblade
Joust joust
Jr Pacman jrpacman
Jumpman jumpman
Jumpman Junior jumpmanjr
Jungle Hunt junglehunt
K-Razy Shoot-Out krazyshootout
Kaboom kaboom
Kangaroo kangaroo
Karateka karateka
Keystone Kapers keystonekapers
Kik Start kikstart
Koffi – Yellow Kopter koffiyellowkopter
Koronis Rift koronisrift
Laser Gates lasergates
Last Starfighter, The laststarfighterthe
Lode Runner loderunner
Looney Tunes Hotel looneytuneshotel
Mario Bros. mariobros
Master of the Lamps masteroflamps
Meebzork meebzork
Megamania megamania
Meteorites meteorites
Microgammon SB microgammonsb
Millipede millipede
Miner 2049er miner2049
Miner 2049er Starring Bounty Bob miner2049erstarringbountybob
Miniature Golf miniaturegolf
Mirax Force miraxforce
Missile Command missilecommand
Montezuma – Preliminary Monty montezuma
Montezuma’s Revenge montezumar
Montezuma’s Revenge featuring Panama Joe montezumasrevengefeaturingpanamajoe
Moon Patrol moonpatrol
Mountain Bike Racer mountainbike
Mountain King mountainking
Mouse Trap mousetrap
Mr. Do! mrdo
Mr. Do!’s Castle mrdoscastle
Mr. Robot and His Robot Factory mrrobot
Mr. TNT mrtnt
Ms. Pac-man mspacman
Ninja ninja
Ninja Commando ninjacommando
On-Track ontrack
Pac Man pacman
Panther panther
Pengo pengo
Pitfall II: Lost Caverns pitfall2
Pitfall! pitfall
Pitstop pitstop
Pitstop II pitstop2
Plastron plastron
Pole Position poleposition
Popeye popeye
Q-bert qbert
QIX qix
Quest for Quintana Roo questforquintanaroo
Rally Speedway rallyspeedway
RealSports Baseball realsportsbaseball
RealSports Basketball realsportsbasketball
RealSports Football realsportsfootball
RealSports Soccer realsportssoccer
RealSports Tennis rstennis
Rescue on Fractalus rescueonfractalus
RGB rgb
Ridiculous Reality ridicu
River Raid riverraid
Road Runner roadrunner
Robotron 2084 robotron2084
Satan’s Hollow satanshollow
Satellite satellite
Shamus shamus
Shamus: Case II shamuscase2
Space Dungeon spacedungeon
Space Harrier sharrier
Space Invaders spaceinvaders
Space Lobsters spacelobsters
Space Shuttle – A Journey Into Space spaceshuttleajourneyintospace
Spelunker spelunker
Spider spider
Spitfire spitfire
Sport Goofy sportgoofy
Spy Hunter spyhunter
Spy vs Spy spyvsspy
Spy vs Spy II: The Island Caper spyvsspyisland
Spy vs Spy III: Arctic Antics spyvsspyarctic
Star Raiders starraiders
Star Raiders II starraiders2
Star Trek – Strategic Operations Simulator startrekstrategicoperationssimulator
Star Wars – Return of the Jedi – Death Star Battle starwarsreturnofthejedideathstarbattle
Star Wars – The Arcade Game starwarsthearcadegame
Stargate stargate
Super Breakout superbreakout
Super Cobra supercobra
Super Pacman superpacman
Super Zaxxon superzaxxon
Swat swat
Tapper tapper
Tempest tempest
The Eidolon eidolon
Track & Field trackandfield
Treasure Island Dizzy dizzy
Vanguard vanguard
Wizard of Wor wizardofwor
World Championship Karate worldkarate
X:8 x8
Xari Arena xariarena
Xevious xevious
Yellow Submarine yellowsubmarine
Yoomp! yoomp
Zaxxon zaxxon
Zenji zenji
Zone Ranger zoneranger
Zorro zorro
Zybex zybex